When you discover your garbage disposal not working, this step-by-step checklist can serve as a troubleshooting guide. My definition of “garbage disposal not working” means that when you turn on the switch, the unit is not running (or operates) and there is no humming sound. We need to understand that even if you have the best garbage disposal on the market, you are bound to encounter some problems in usage.
For such cases when your home unit cannot be turned on and no humming sound coming from the motor, one of the obvious causes might be an electrical problem. Just follow the step by step checklist outline below to fix the problems.Plumbing services – garbage disposal service
Step 1: First, check to ensure that the power cord of your disposal is plugged in. Confirm that the disposal is not working again before you proceed to the next step.
Step 2: Locate the reset button which should be at the bottom or the side of the unit and press it to reset. (Note: When you see the reset button sticking out, it means the unit has tripped. You need to push the button inwards to reset the disposal.)
Step 3:I f the garbage disposal is still unable to start, the next step is to check whether the circuit breaker in the electrical service panel has tripped or turned off. When the circuit breaker trips again after resetting, it means that there is a current overload or a short circuit on the circuitry. If you are in this scenario and don’t have any electrical background or circuit breaker troubleshooting skills, it’s best to consult a technician to rectify the fault.
Step 4: When everything is in order and the garbage disposal not working, the next move is to check the power switch which is located on the wall or under the sink. Turn off the circuit breaker and unplug the power cord. Open the unit switch housing to check for any loose wiring or broken wire.
If the switch is faulty, replace it with a new one. Before turning back the power to the unit, we are going to do 1 more extra step by checking the wire termination to the unit. The connection to the motor is at the base of the unit.
Remove a small cover at the bottom of the garbage disposal to access the wire connection. Check for any loose connections or broken wires. If everything is in order, put back the cover.
Step 5: Turn on the circuit breaker and switch on power to the garbage disposal. By this stage, if the disposal still does not turn on, the final step is to use a voltage meter to measure the voltage across the switch box terminal. If you are unsure about this step, consult someone with electrical background or a technician.
Step 6: If the required voltage is present, we can conclude that you need to repair the unit or get a new replacement.
We hope that the above step by step checklist to troubleshoot garbage disposal is useful, especially when you find your garbage disposal not working.
This Blog was posted by Chambliss Plumbing in San Antonio, Texas